Tuesday, February 11, 2014

We're Back!

As you may have noticed, I've been on something of a hiatus lately, thanks to running out of ideas  Google+ being a horrible, horrible thing that effs up pretty much all of Blogger (and the rest of the internet, for that matter.) I swear, one of these days we're gonna be living in a cyberpunk dystopia ruled by Google.

Anyway, throughout that time, I've had something of a branching out in interests, thanks to me going from a nerdy high school kid to a hippie-ish college kid. So now, therefore, my usual steampunk programming will be supplemented with other facets of Alt culture, including, but not limited to, Goth fashion, Punk living, feminism/social justice, environmental/DIY lifestyle, and whatever other crap I feel like posting. Yay!

Also,you should totally check out the Facebook page I've just started admin-ing: We Love Bats. Come on, its awesome. Please?

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