Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Five Ways Baking Soda Can Help You Fight the Beauty Industry

Seems legit. Image from Ad Busting at Tumblr.
It's not secret that the cosmetics industry is full of shit--it relies on the unnecessary insecurity of girls and women for at least half of its existence, in addition to all the use of animal testing. I myself spent years in high school blowing most of my allowance so I could afford to cake on makeup and hide my face; to this day, the habit of being terrified of every blemish and smudged bit of lipstick still sticks with me to this day.

But this isn't to say that I'm against the use of makeup and cosmetics altogether--indeed, I think there are few things more beautiful than self-expression, and cosmetics are a great way of achieving that. The issue is the attitudes surrounding the use of these things. Rather than a choice or something to add a little extra to one's look, they have become all but a requirement--thanks largely to irresponsible and-or manipulative advertising. So here I present a few DIY alternatives to mainstream beauty products:

1. Conditioning Shampoo
Shampoo is a remarkably recent invention--not considered a necessity until the mid twentieth century. There's a reason for that--it's incredibly easy to replace. Here's a simple recipe that I like to use:
                   -Add a few spoonfuls of baking soda to a small jar.
                   -Blend in olive or vegetable oil (olive oil is more moisturizing, but also has a strong scent that might not work well for hair) until achieving a paste-like consistency.
                   -If desired, add a few drops of essential oil for a nice scent.

2. Toothpaste
Baking soda on its own makes a great toothpaste with a strong whitening effect. Simply sprinkle a little on your toothbrush, or, if you prefer it in mint flavor and paste form, follow this recipe.
                  -As with the shampoo, add a few spoonfuls of baking soda to a jar, and blend in oil to give it a paste-consistency. Use an oil without too much flavor, like vegetable.
                 -Stir in a bit of mint extract.

3. Exfoliating Scrub
                  -Blend one part baking soda and one part honey.
                  -If desired, add a few drops of lemon juice for an astringent effect, but keep in mind that this can have a bleaching effect on skin, so it might not be the best if you're going for a tan.

4. Deodorant
Keep in mind the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant--this will reduce body odor, but not the total amount of sweat your body produces. Some say  deodorant is better for one's skin, but it won't keep those annoying sweat stains from showing up on your clothes, if that's normally a problem for you.
                   -Add a few drops of essential oil to a few tablespoons of baking soda--and that's it!

5. Bath Salts
I mean the kind for actual use in a bath, not the kind that turns people into zombies, in case there was any confusion. This particular concoction adds a nice feel to bath water, and has a great softening effect on skin.
                   -Blend one part salt (table and/or Epsom, your choice) and one part baking soda.
                   -Add a few drops of essential oil and, if desired, food coloring. This will initially leave clumps, which you can break up with your fingers until color and scent are distributed evenly.
                   -To use, add one to two cups to a hot bath.


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