Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Game Review: Ironcalypse

Hey everyone! Today I'm reviewing another random flash game, because random flash games have pretty much been my only way of passing the long hours while I'm sitting around and waiting until I can walk. Today, we have Ironcalypse, a platformer by ParaArt.

You play as one of several adorable robots escaping some kind of apocalypse. What kind of apocalypse, you ask? Good question; they never really specify.  Either way, you've gotta escape it.

The Good Stuff: Aw, look at dem cute little robots! Good music (when you can hear it over the ridiculously loud sound effects) and a nice industrial-style design.

The Bad Stuff: I noted a lot of people had complaints about lag in this game. While I personally never noticed any, that might have been sheer luck. What I did have some issues with was the lack of control the player has over the character. You cannot control speed, direction, or anything other than jumping and ducking.

The Verdict: It's okay. Not really good, not really bad.
It was fun at first, but it got repetitive very quickly. There's potential there, but it just isn't that well-executed. I guess its worth checking out if you have nothing better to do. It's not like it costs you anything.

Play for free here:

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