Tuesday, December 3, 2013

DIY Roundup: Build Your Own Library

Who hasn't dreamed of having a library like this at home? (source here) Unless you're really freaking rich, that's not very apt to happen. But maybe you can get away with a smaller home library--a cozy collection of books stacked on unique DIY shelves. Here are a few tutorials that could help make it happen:
                Shelves that defy gravity, or at least appear to. This tutorial is simple, cheap, and looks awesome. The only downside is that a book must be destroyed in the process, but if you have a few books that look cool but never get read, this might be worth the sacrifice.

              The only thing better than floating books is upside-down floating books! Another simple tutorial.  However, since the books are held in place with elastic, it might not be the most practical or versatile, but damn does it look cool.

               I like books. I like skateboards. So why not combine the two? Need I say more?

           Probably the most quintessentially steampunk item on this page, pipes shelves look awesome and are much easier to make than they look. They'd look fantastic in an industrial styled library. *drools* That would look so cool!

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