Friday, June 8, 2012

How to Make a Bow from Almost Anything

            This is quite possibly one of the easiest DIY projects in existence, and all it really requires is some type of fabric and a pair of scissors. For this one I used scrap fabric from an old pair of pants, but nearly any material would do. This is my first time writing a tutorial, so sorry if the pictures are all blurry and it makes no sense.

1. To begin with, you’ll need two scraps of fabric: a large rectangular one and a long thin one. I folded the larger one over and sewed around the edges to give it a more finished appearance, but this might not be necessary, depending on the look you want.

2. Fold and pinch it in the middle, so it makes a bow shape. Tie the longer piece of fabric around this spot. Trim the excess from the longer piece. 

3. And that’s it! Put in on a hairclip, sew it onto another project…whatever you can think of.