Thursday, May 31, 2012

Post-apocalypse Condominiums

            Poking around Discover Magazine, I came across an article on an underground, nuclear-war-proof living complex, sort of like a real-life City of Ember. It’s capable of self-sufficiency, with hydroponics farming, fish tanks, and zombie-proof defense mechanisms. Unfortunately, however, the steampunk pretty much stops there. While I appreciate the effort to make such a usually dark place pleasant, the “brand-name kitchen appliances,” and “window-like HDTV panels” would probably detract from the overall steampunkness. Nonetheless, this might be in interesting setting in a post-apocalypse tale: a world where a lucky few live in safety and luxury below the ground, while the rest of the world’s population must fend for itself.    
            Since, due to copyright issues, I was hesitant to include pictures, I’ll put in a link to the official site:

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