Monday, August 6, 2012

Pulley-Operated Curtains

            This is an idea I came up with after getting sick of trying to keep track of curtain ties. It’s really quite simple to set up, and it greatly eases the complications that come with flowing, Victorian-style curtains.

1.Hang up your curtains normally.
2. Affix three fairly sturdy nails evenly spaced a few inches above the window, putting the middle nail slightly higher than the other two.
3.Hang a double pulley from the  middle nail.
4. Cut two very long (about seven ft.) pieces of string. Tie a small loop on each end.
5. Attach one end of a string to the back of the curtain, about halfway down the window. I used safety pins, but sewing would probably look more professional. Do this for both sides.
6. Thread each string over the nail on its side and through the pulley, so both hang down in the center of the window. The ends of the ropes should reach a few inches above the bottom of the window.
7. Affix another nail about four inches below the bottom window, positioned so that it lines up with the pulley and the dangling ropes.
8. To open your curtains, pull down your ropes and hook the looped ends around the bottom nail.  

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