Sunday, June 9, 2013

Le Me, the Mighty Cliff Climber Person!

After a morning of castle adventures we went on a "simple" walk. I put the word "simple" in quotations because, although the trail was fairly short, we had to climb all the way down and up this behemoth of a dip in the ground:
By the time we reached the top, I no longer gave a
damn about looking photogenic. Don't judge.

 See those little white things going up the hill? Those are steps. And this picture really only shows about the top half of the climb. Mind you, as I had been told this walk was only a couple miles, I hadn't bothered to put on shoes more comfortable than flip flops.

As much as I'm complaining about this, the ocean views were completely worth it.

Our main destination was this little chapel along the coast. Although it is still used for worship on occasion, the building was so old and remote that it nearly appeared abandoned. The walls were covered in carved graffiti dating from as far back as the 1600's.

Up Next: I enjoy a Devonshire cream tea and track down the Hound of the Baskervilles. 

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