Friday, April 26, 2013

My Prom Dress

As any good Neo-Victorian would, I prepared for prom as though it were a grand ball at the queen's palace. It turned out being much rowdier than that (crowd-surfing commenced within the first five minutes), but a good time was had all round.

My dress came from Milanoo's extensive Lolita collection. My review: Though the price for the dress itself was quite reasonable, I had to pay an extra twenty dollars in shipping to get it on time. The quality was mediocre--some of the ribbons were completely frayed after just one night of wear--but that's easy enough to replace. If I may brag a little, it looked fantastic; very Victorian. Some even recognized the style as being Steampunk/Lolita. And since it doesn't have sparkles all over it, it can be re-worn to non-prom events. In conclusion, I would recommend it, although I advise ordering a size up--I ordered a bit larger than my usual size and still found it too be rather tight around the shoulders.
OK, picture spamming time:

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