Friday, November 16, 2012

Jam Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

At long last I have returned! I must apologize for my rather long and unexpected absence, so I promise to do extra posts for a little while.
In any case, continuing with my food theme for this month, I have a recipie of my own accidental creation, which actually turned out pretty well. This cake is rich and heavy and simply wonderful with a cup of tea.

Ingredients: 1 cup sugar
                     1.5 cup butter
                     1 cup flour
                     1 cup mixed jams (Currant and lingdonberry are especially good together)
                     1 package cream cheese
                     About 2 cups of powdered sugar
                     1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                      Fresh fruit for decorative purposes
1. Using an electric mixer Dr. Farliegh's Patented Steam Powered Mixing Device, blend the sugar and one cup of the butter. Keeping the mixer on, add in the eggs, jam, and flour, and blend until the batter is smooth.

2. Pour the batter into a well-greased pan and bake it at 350 degrees for about half and hour.

3. To make the frosting, blend the cream cheese and remaining butter until smooth. Add in the vanilla extract, and then gradually mix in the powdered sugar.

4. When the cake is baked and mostly cooled, spread on the frosting and arrange the fruit in a nice pattern on top. A bit of whipped cream around the edges gives it a lovely finished look.

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