Saturday, December 21, 2013

DIY Roundup: Victorian Christmas

I don't know about you, but I personally like to spend my Christmases frolicking around in poofy dresses pretending that I'm in Victorian London--well, I do that pretty much all year, but its particularly atmospheric when there's snow and Christmas trees and shiny stuff everywhere.

But there's more, of course, to the Neo-Victorian/Steampunk lifestyle than frolicking around in fancy clothes, as much fun as that is. Here are a few tutorials for a Victorian Christmas that Mister Dickens himself would geek out over.

1. Christmas Crackers
The Christmas cracker--an iconic symbol of the English Christmas. And it's surprisingly easy to make. Sadly, the bits that make it pop are tricky to find in U.S. stores, although I've found a few suppliers online. Also, they aren't magical like the ones in Harry Potter. Damn. Still pretty cool, though.

2. Make Your Own Wreath!
With the steampunk philosophy of DIYing everything that can be DIYed, why not try making your own Christmas wreath? If you've got a pine tree to trim a couple branches off of, it's easier than it sounds!

3. Light Bulb Snow Globes
A simple tutorial for making snow globes from light bulb ornaments. With a little creativity, this could be made into something mind-blowingly steampunk.

4. Hot Air Balloon Ornaments
Hot Air Balloons--the vehicle of choice for many an explorer! They also make lovely ornaments for your tree. This one's a bit more complex, but totally awesome.

5. Terrarium Ornaments
What better home decor for the scientifically-minded Victorian than a terrarium? (I mean, besides a complete size dino fossil, but those are a bit tricky to find.) Now, wouldn't that terrarium look lovely on your tree? Of course it would. Here's an easy tutorial.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Game Review: Ironcalypse

Hey everyone! Today I'm reviewing another random flash game, because random flash games have pretty much been my only way of passing the long hours while I'm sitting around and waiting until I can walk. Today, we have Ironcalypse, a platformer by ParaArt.

You play as one of several adorable robots escaping some kind of apocalypse. What kind of apocalypse, you ask? Good question; they never really specify.  Either way, you've gotta escape it.

The Good Stuff: Aw, look at dem cute little robots! Good music (when you can hear it over the ridiculously loud sound effects) and a nice industrial-style design.

The Bad Stuff: I noted a lot of people had complaints about lag in this game. While I personally never noticed any, that might have been sheer luck. What I did have some issues with was the lack of control the player has over the character. You cannot control speed, direction, or anything other than jumping and ducking.

The Verdict: It's okay. Not really good, not really bad.
It was fun at first, but it got repetitive very quickly. There's potential there, but it just isn't that well-executed. I guess its worth checking out if you have nothing better to do. It's not like it costs you anything.

Play for free here:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

DIY Roundup: Build Your Own Library

Who hasn't dreamed of having a library like this at home? (source here) Unless you're really freaking rich, that's not very apt to happen. But maybe you can get away with a smaller home library--a cozy collection of books stacked on unique DIY shelves. Here are a few tutorials that could help make it happen:
                Shelves that defy gravity, or at least appear to. This tutorial is simple, cheap, and looks awesome. The only downside is that a book must be destroyed in the process, but if you have a few books that look cool but never get read, this might be worth the sacrifice.

              The only thing better than floating books is upside-down floating books! Another simple tutorial.  However, since the books are held in place with elastic, it might not be the most practical or versatile, but damn does it look cool.

               I like books. I like skateboards. So why not combine the two? Need I say more?

           Probably the most quintessentially steampunk item on this page, pipes shelves look awesome and are much easier to make than they look. They'd look fantastic in an industrial styled library. *drools* That would look so cool!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Game Review: The Gentleman

As I've mentioned before, I've spent a great deal of time on the internet lately, seeking free games to pass the time as I wait for a broken ankle to heal, and I thought I would review a few of these. Up today: The Gentleman. Produced by SoulGame Studios, this simple platformer features the adventures of a top-hat-wearing gentleman as he explores a vintage-styled city.

The Good Stuff: DAT ATMOSPHERE! Really, it's fantastic! A moonlit city, reminiscent of old London, filled with rats and bats and black cats... Oh, and that music--I love it!

The Bad Stuff: There's nothing really wrong with this game, per se, although it isn't exactly anything groundbreaking about it. It's a standard 2d platformer.

The Verdict: A fantastic and challenging time-killer! If you have the spare time, it's absolutely worth a look.

Play for free here:

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Just a Little Mini Post

Found this on Pinterest. Awesome, yes?

Run, Run, Run... fast as you can. I can catch you; I'm the Gingerbread Man!
I totally decorated the most beautiful gingerbread man ever today. This is art:

Okay, maybe I had a little TOO much fun. Maybe.