Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Book Review: The Steampunk Gazette

A short while ago, I was wandering a local bookstore in search of some manga and having no luck whatsoever. I was about to give up and go elsewhere when I turned around to see the words "The Steampunk Gazette" just a short distance from my face, and thus, I reacted something like this:
Ok, so maybe this whole review was just an excuse for a meme parody,  but I simply couldn't resist.
In all seriousness, however, Major Thadeus Tinker's The Steampunk Gazette was quite the entertaining and informative read, covering steampunk from just about every angle in little one-paragraph blurbs. Beautifully designed as a Victorian-style newspaper, this makes a nice intro for a steampunk noob or just a collection of pretty pictures for those more familiar with the scene.
On the downside, all this lovely design tends to bump up the price a little. While twenty-five dollars is a reasonable price for a fully-illustrated two hundred page book, I get the impression that it's apt to be a regular installment featuring the latest steampunk news. If so, it seems a bit fancy for a regularly printed gazette.

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